Day 5 - Dalhousie, Adams Peak
On day five we woke up to the sound from music in the temple, there was buddhists and dressed up elephants. In the morning we said that we would go to Dalhousie, its where Adams Peak starts. Started with finding a bus from Kandy to Hatton, we found one, we had good seats by the window so we could see the really nice nature. There was so many tee plantations on the road up to Hatton. When we arrived in Hatton we changed bus to Maskeliya, its a small and cute village in the middle of nowhere and from there we changed bus again. We did not know that there were direct buses to Dallhauise from Hatton. The roads up there in the mountains are so small and the hills are steep, sometimes the bus where on the edge of the road.
When we got to the beginning of Dallhauise workers from the hotels by the road came in to the bus and offered us rooms. But the hotels where about 10-15min walk from the start of the Adams Peak. We wanted to have something in the center, so that we where close to start and end of the Adams Peak.
Just 50m from there we did find a quite nice place that's called The Green House. The room did cost about 1500rs/74SEK a night. It was the first place this week that we had hot water in, that was nice. The food there where so good! And the tea, it was lovely. We did drink so much tea at this place. Here we also met some really nice people from Czech.
In the evening we sat on the balcony, talking and drinking tea. We got to bed around 09.00PM because we will go up 02.00AM to walk the Adams Peak.

The last photo is from Zuzana Kuskova's FB.