Day 10 - Arugam Bay
We woke up to the sound of the waves at Samantas Folly at Arugam Bay, the place we slept in is a folly, it costs 1000rs/49SEK a night in off season, You have shared bathroom, safety box for your things. The folly has mosquito nets, three madrases (big space to sleep in), the staff can change your bedsheats when ever you want, if it's raining there are plastics to fould down so you're dry inside the follie. The plastics are also good if the winds are to hard, now in the monsun season you can't trust the weather, we were lucky with the weather. Everything there was clean and we can't complain about anything. For breakfast Emelie had the "Float your Boat", it's a half carved papaya (a big one) with mixed fruits, müesli, yogurt and honey.
I had a Shakshuka, that is 2 eggs poached in tomato, garlic, onion & basil with fresh bread and some butter on.
Today the people here celebrate Christmas, so we also did that. Had a good day, playing UNO, eating good food, drinking some fresh fruit drinks.
By the Samantha's Folly they had a wooden Christmas tree by the beach and in the evening they did light it up with real candles, so there where a Christmas feeling to it.

Härligt att läsa om ert äventyr! Hoppas benen mår bättre nu, å pluspoäng till Ioanis utan skägg ;) Kramar från oss!