Day 17 - Tangalle
The first day of 2014 we did eat some curry for breakfast in the city of Tangalle. We really love the food here in Sri Lanka. The spices are amazing and when you eat at a local dining place it is much cheeper than in a bigger restaurant. We paid 180rs/9SEK for one meal there, at some other places you have to pay 500-700rs (24-35SEK) for the same meal and it does not taste as good as the smaller restaurants food.
After the good meal we did go and explored the beach in Tangalle, beautiful beach but the sea was rough sometimes. After the cooling swim in, we got back to our place where we had a cooling coconut drink. Ioannis relaxed in the hammock for a while, he loves to just lay in the hammock and relax. Later in the afternoon we did some bathing and more relaxing,

Ser ut som ni trivs!