Day 19 - Tangalle, Unawatuna
This day we woke up by nine in the morning. Went to our favorite local resturant that lays right by the bus station of Tangalle. Did eat some bread with filling of spicy veggie curry and also sweet white bread with some sugar on. When we were done we took the Colombo bus to Unawatuna, lovely view outside the window and when we came near the beach in Unawatuna we searched for living. The living can cost from 1000rs - 2500rs (45-123SEK) if you want a OK living. We found a living at a place called Rock House and it was good, 2000rs/98SEK a night, it was quiet and it was a big room, with big bathroom.
The first thing we started to do was washing our clothes, we had so much laundry so we had to wash all of it. Ioannis was doing the wash and I where hanging it up outside. After washing all of our laundry that took almost 2h we did eat some of our bread on the balcony. All the sudden we heard some really load noises, it was some monkeys that where on top of our roof and some where sitting in the three. Some really cute monkeys that had gray face, black body and gray long tail. Later we walked down to the beach for a swim, the ocean was really good and calm.
In the evening we took a walk in Unawatuna and we also did take one drink each, that did cost about 700rs/35SEK.