Day 3 - Negombo, Kandy
This day we woke up at 09.00AM, eat some breakfast and headed back to the bus station in Negombo. The bus from Sea Joy to the station cost us 17Rs/0,82SEK each.
When we came to the station we did wait for a while on the bus that took us to Kandy. Its nice to not plan anything in advance because we dont know where to go always. In the afternoon we arrived in Kandy, the weather was nice but after just 10 minutes I got hit by a giant bird poop!!
Right in my hand, does that mean high five? Ioannis was just laughing at me, he took some photos of it, I just felt disgusted by it and felt a strange burning feeling. But now after, it is quite fun to tell you about it.
Since we had been on a bus forever we where hungry and tired, we did a stop on the closest restaurant called "Devon". The prices where cheap, but the food was not good, even though it is a big place with loads of customers. They had a big menu, that was confusing and they did only serve 10 of the 100 meals by the time we where there.
Later we wanted to find a place to stay, the place we chose was the "Olde Empire". It's just behind a big temple. We got a nice room for 2500Rs/124SEK night, but just after 20 minutes the power went of and did not start again. The only thing we wanted was to get a shower and go to bed. They called an electrician that would fix it for us. After 1,5h someone came to fix it, he was dressed up just like he was working as a lawyer.
It was the lamp that had loosen up a bit, something that we could fix in no time. The electrician said that it was because "Its made in China". The people here are so funny and very kind to us! Then we got the chance to shower and have our beauty sleep.